Thursday, December 15, 2016

Podcast #97 - SPOILERS - A Year in the Life - Feedback 2

Hello! Welcome to Return to Stars Hollow - a spoiler-free, retrospective podcast about Gilmore Girls! This is a special SPOILER FILLED podcast about the new Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life. This is our second feedback podcast for all four newly released episodes.

You can direct download the episode here: AYITL Feedback 2
You can also follow our RSS Feed, or subscribe to us on iTunesStitcher, or Google Play Music.

Comment on this post to leave your feedback for the next podcast!
You can also send feedback and voice clips to
Or you can tweet us at SeriouslySwatch (Cordia) or CelesteFohl!

The next podcast will post in early 2017. The exact date is TBD.

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Podcast #96 - SPOILERS - A Year in the Life - Feedback

Hello! Welcome to Return to Stars Hollow - a spoiler-free, retrospective podcast about Gilmore Girls! This is a special SPOILER FILLED podcast about the new Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life. This is our first feedback podcast for all four newly released episodes.

You can direct download the episode here: AYITL Feedback
You can also follow our RSS Feed, or subscribe to us on iTunesStitcher, or Google Play Music.

Comment on this post to leave your feedback for the next podcast!
You can also send feedback and voice clips to
Or you can tweet us at SeriouslySwatch (Cordia) or CelesteFohl!

The next podcast will post on Thursday, December 15, 2016 for our second Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life feedback podcast.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Podcast #95 - SPOILERS - A Year in the Life - Discussion

Hello! Welcome to Return to Stars Hollow - a spoiler-free, retrospective podcast about Gilmore Girls! This is a special SPOILER FILLED podcast about the new Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life. This is our discussion podcast for all four newly released episodes.

You can direct download the episode here: AYITL Discussion
You can also follow our RSS Feed, or subscribe to us on iTunesStitcher, or Google Play Music.

Comment on this post to leave your feedback for the next podcast!
You can also send feedback and voice clips to
Or you can tweet us at SeriouslySwatch (Cordia) or CelesteFohl!

The next podcast will post on Thursday, December 8, 2016 for our Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life feedback podcast.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Podcast #94 - S4 Wrap Up

Hello! Welcome to Return to Stars Hollow - a spoiler-free, retrospective podcast about Gilmore Girls! This is the podcast for Season 4 - Wrap Up.

You can direct download the episode here: S4End Podcast
You can also follow our RSS Feed, or subscribe to us on iTunesStitcher, or Google Play Music.

Comment on this post to leave your feedback for the next podcast!
You can also send feedback and voice clips to
Or you can tweet us at SeriouslySwatch (Cordia) or CelesteFohl!

The next podcast will post on Thursday, December 1, 2016 for our first Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life podcast.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Podcast #93 - S4E22 - Raincoats and Recipes

Hello! Welcome to Return to Stars Hollow - a spoiler-free, retrospective podcast about Gilmore Girls! This is the podcast for Season 4, Episode 22 - Raincoats and Recipes

You can direct download the episode here: S4E22 Podcast
You can also follow our RSS Feed, or subscribe to us on iTunesStitcher, or Google Play Music.

Comment on this post to leave your feedback for the next podcast!
You can also send feedback and voice clips to
Or you can tweet us at SeriouslySwatch (Cordia) or CelesteFohl!

The next podcast will post on Wednesday, November 23, 2016 for our Season 4 Recap.

Friday, November 11, 2016

Podcast #92 - S4E21 - Last Week Fights, This Week Tights

Hello! Welcome to Return to Stars Hollow - a spoiler-free, retrospective podcast about Gilmore Girls! This is the podcast for Season 4, Episode 21 - Last Week Fights, This Week Tights.

You can direct download the episode here: S4E21 Podcast
You can also follow our RSS Feed, or subscribe to us on iTunesStitcher, or Google Play Music.

Comment on this post to leave your feedback for the next podcast!
You can also send feedback and voice clips to
Or you can tweet us at SeriouslySwatch (Cordia) or CelesteFohl!

The next podcast will post on Thursday, November 17th, 2016 for Season 4, Episode 22 - Raincoats and Recipes.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Podcast Delay

Hello, all!

Unfortunately, we had some technical issues which prevented recording the podcast on time this week. We will be attempting to record again at a slightly later date, so hopefully the podcast will only be delayed by one day.

Thank you,
Cordia and Celeste

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Podcast #91 - S4E20 - Luke Can See Her Face

Hello! Welcome to Return to Stars Hollow - a spoiler-free, retrospective podcast about Gilmore Girls! This is the podcast for Season 4, Episode 20 - Luke Can See Her Face.

You can direct download the episode here: S4E20 Podcast
You can also follow our RSS Feed, or subscribe to us on iTunesStitcher, or Google Play Music.

Comment on this post to leave your feedback for the next podcast!
You can also send feedback and voice clips to
Or you can tweet us at SeriouslySwatch (Cordia) or CelesteFohl!

The next podcast will post on Thursday, November 10th, 2016 for Season 4, Episode 21 - Last Week Fights, This Week Tights.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Podcast #90 - S4E19 - Afterboom

Hello! Welcome to Return to Stars Hollow - a spoiler-free, retrospective podcast about Gilmore Girls! This is the podcast for Season 4, Episode 19 - Afterboom.

You can direct download the episode here: S4E19 Podcast
You can also follow our RSS Feed, or subscribe to us on iTunesStitcher, or Google Play Music.

Comment on this post to leave your feedback for the next podcast!
You can also send feedback and voice clips to
Or you can tweet us at SeriouslySwatch (Cordia) or CelesteFohl!

The next podcast will post on Thursday, November 3rd, 2016 for Season 4, Episode 20 - Luke Can See Her Face.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Podcast #89 - S4E18 - Tick, Tick, Tick Boom

Hello! Welcome to Return to Stars Hollow - a spoiler-free, retrospective podcast about Gilmore Girls! This is the podcast for Season 4, Episode 18 - Tick, Tick, Tick Boom.

You can direct download the episode here: S4E18 Podcast
You can also follow our RSS Feed, or subscribe to us on iTunesStitcher, or Google Play Music.

Comment on this post to leave your feedback for the next podcast!
You can also send feedback and voice clips to
Or you can tweet us at SeriouslySwatch (Cordia) or CelesteFohl!

The next podcast will post on Thursday, October 27th, 2016 for Season 4, Episode 19 - Afterboom.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Podcast #88 - S4E17 - Girls in Bikinis, Boys Doin' the Twist

Hello! Welcome to Return to Stars Hollow - a spoiler-free, retrospective podcast about Gilmore Girls! This is the podcast for Season 4, Episode 17 - Girls in Bikinis, Boys Doin' the Twist.

You can direct download the episode here: S4E17 Podcast
You can also follow our RSS Feed, or subscribe to us on iTunesStitcher, or Google Play Music.

Comment on this post to leave your feedback for the next podcast!
You can also send feedback and voice clips to
Or you can tweet us at SeriouslySwatch (Cordia) or CelesteFohl!

The next podcast will post on Thursday, October 20th or 27th, 2016 for Season 4, Episode 18 - Tick, Tick, Tick, Boom.

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Podcast #87 - S4E16 - The Reigning Lorelai

Hello! Welcome to Return to Stars Hollow - a spoiler-free, retrospective podcast about Gilmore Girls! This is the podcast for Season 4, Episode 16 - The Reigning Lorelai.

You can direct download the episode here: S4E16 Podcast
You can also follow our RSS Feed, or subscribe to us on iTunesStitcher, or Google Play Music.

Comment on this post to leave your feedback for the next podcast!
You can also send feedback and voice clips to
Or you can tweet us at SeriouslySwatch (Cordia) or CelesteFohl!

The next podcast will post on Thursday, October 6, 2016 for Season 4, Episode 17 - Girls in Bikinis, Boys Doin' the Twist.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Podcast #86 - S4E15 - Scene in a Mall

Hello! Welcome to Return to Stars Hollow - a spoiler-free, retrospective podcast about Gilmore Girls! This is the podcast for Season 4, Episode 15 - Scene in a Mall.

You can direct download the episode here: S4E15 Podcast
You can also follow our RSS Feed, or subscribe to us on iTunesStitcher, or Google Play Music.

Comment on this post to leave your feedback for the next podcast!
You can also send feedback and voice clips to
Or you can tweet us at SeriouslySwatch (Cordia) or CelesteFohl!

The next podcast will post on Thursday, September 29, 2016 for Season 4, Episode 16 - The Reigning Lorelai.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Podcast #85 - S4E14 - The Incredible Sinking Lorelais

Hello! Welcome to Return to Stars Hollow - a spoiler-free, retrospective podcast about Gilmore Girls! This is the podcast for Season 4, Episode 14 - The Incredible Sinking Lorelais.

You can direct download the episode here: S4E14 Podcast
You can also follow our RSS Feed, or subscribe to us on iTunesStitcher, or Google Play Music.

Comment on this post to leave your feedback for the next podcast!
You can also send feedback and voice clips to
Or you can tweet us at SeriouslySwatch (Cordia) or CelesteFohl!

The next podcast will post on Thursday, September 22, 2016 for Season 4, Episode 15 - Scene in a Mall.

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Podcast #84 - S4E13 - Nag Hammadi is Where They Found the Gnostic Gospels

Hello! Welcome to Return to Stars Hollow - a spoiler-free, retrospective podcast about Gilmore Girls! This is the podcast for Season 4, Episode 13 - Nag Hammadi is Where They Found the Gnostic Gospels.

You can direct download the episode here: S4E13 Podcast
You can also follow our RSS Feed, or subscribe to us on iTunesStitcher, or Google Play Music.

Comment on this post to leave your feedback for the next podcast!
You can also send feedback and voice clips to
Or you can tweet us at SeriouslySwatch (Cordia) or CelesteFohl!

The next podcast will post on Thursday, September 15, 2016 for Season 4, Episode 14 - The Incredible Sinking Lorelais.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Podcast #83 - S4E12 - A Family Matter

Hello! Welcome to Return to Stars Hollow - a spoiler-free, retrospective podcast about Gilmore Girls! This is the podcast for Season 4, Episode 12 - A Family Matter.

You can direct download the episode here: S4E12 Podcast
You can also follow our RSS Feed, or subscribe to us on iTunesStitcher, or Google Play Music.

Comment on this post to leave your feedback for the next podcast!
You can also send feedback and voice clips to
Or you can tweet us at SeriouslySwatch (Cordia) or CelesteFohl!

The next podcast will post on Thursday, August 25, 2016 for Season 4, Episode 13 - Nag Hammadi Is Where They Found the Gnostic Gospel.

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Podcast #82 - S4E11 - In the Clamor and the Clangor

Hello! Welcome to Return to Stars Hollow - a spoiler-free, retrospective podcast about Gilmore Girls! This is the podcast for Season 4, Episode 11 - In the Clamor and the Clangor.

You can direct download the episode here: S4E11 Podcast
You can also follow our RSS Feed, or subscribe to us on iTunesStitcher, or Google Play Music.

Comment on this post to leave your feedback for the next podcast!
You can also send feedback and voice clips to
Or you can tweet us at SeriouslySwatch (Cordia) or CelesteFohl!

The next podcast will post on Thursday, August 11, 2016 for Season 4, Episode 12 - A Family Matter.

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Podcast #81 - S4E10 - The Nanny and the Professor

Hello! Welcome to Return to Stars Hollow - a spoiler-free, retrospective podcast about Gilmore Girls! This is the podcast for Season 4, Episode 10 - The Nanny and the Professor.

You can direct download the episode here: S4E10 Podcast
You can also follow our RSS Feed, or subscribe to us on iTunesStitcher, or Google Play Music.

Comment on this post to leave your feedback for the next podcast!
You can also send feedback and voice clips to
Or you can tweet us at SeriouslySwatch (Cordia) or CelesteFohl!

The next podcast will post on Thursday, August 4, 2016 for Season 4, Episode 11 - In the Clamor and the Clangor.

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Podcast #80 - S4E9 - Ted Koppel's Big Night Out

Hello! Welcome to Return to Stars Hollow - a spoiler-free, retrospective podcast about Gilmore Girls! This is the podcast for Season 4, Episode 9 - Ted Koppel's Big Night Out.

You can direct download the episode here: S4E9 Podcast
You can also follow our RSS Feed, or subscribe to us on iTunesStitcher, or Google Play Music.

Comment on this post to leave your feedback for the next podcast!
You can also send feedback and voice clips to
Or you can tweet us at SeriouslySwatch (Cordia) or CelesteFohl!

The next podcast will post on Thursday, July 14, 2016 for Season 4, Episode 10 - The Nanny and the Professor.

Thursday, June 30, 2016

Postponed podcast

Hi all!

It's been a very stressful week for Cordia and we just couldn't find time to record and edit the podcast. We will be postponing until next week. We appreciate your understanding and look forward to talking to you all about the most awkward date in history next week!

Thank you,
Cordia and Célèste 

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Podcast #79 - S4E8 - Die, Jerk!

Hello! Welcome to Return to Stars Hollow - a spoiler-free, retrospective podcast about Gilmore Girls! This is the podcast for Season 4, Episode 8 - Die, Jerk!

This one's for Celeste.

You can direct download the episode here: S4E8 Podcast
You can also follow our RSS Feed, or subscribe to us on iTunesStitcher, or Google Play Music.

Comment on this post to leave your feedback for the next podcast!
You can also send feedback and voice clips to
Or you can tweet us at SeriouslySwatch (Cordia) or CelesteFohl!

The next podcast will post on Thursday, June 30, 2016 for Season 4, Episode 9 - Ted Koppel's Big Night Out.

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Podcast #78 - S4E7 - The Festival of Living Art

Hello! Welcome to Return to Stars Hollow - a spoiler-free, retrospective podcast about Gilmore Girls! This is the podcast for Season 4, Episode 7 - The Festival of Living Art.

You can direct download the episode here: S4E7 Podcast
You can also follow our RSS Feed, or subscribe to us on iTunesStitcher, or Google Play Music.

Comment on this post to leave your feedback for the next podcast!
You can also send feedback and voice clips to
Or you can tweet us at SeriouslySwatch (Cordia) or CelesteFohl!

The next podcast will post on Thursday, June 23, 2016 for Season 4, Episode 8 - Die, Jerk!

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Podcast #77 - S4E6 - An Affair to Remember

Hello! Welcome to Return to Stars Hollow - a spoiler-free, retrospective podcast about Gilmore Girls! This is the podcast for Season 4, Episode 6 - An Affair to Remember.

You can direct download the episode here: S4E6 Podcast
You can also follow our RSS Feed, or subscribe to us on iTunesStitcher, or Google Play Music.

Comment on this post to leave your feedback for the next podcast!
You can also send feedback and voice clips to
Or you can tweet us at SeriouslySwatch (Cordia) or CelesteFohl!

The next podcast will post on Thursday, June 2, 2016 for Season 4, Episode 7 - The Festival of Living Art.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Podcast #76 - S4E5 - The Fundamental Things Apply

Hello! Welcome to Return to Stars Hollow - a spoiler-free, retrospective podcast about Gilmore Girls! This is the podcast for Season 4, Episode 5 - The Fundamental Things Apply.

You can direct download the episode here: S4E5 Podcast
You can also follow our RSS Feed, or subscribe to us on iTunesStitcher, or Google Play Music.

Comment on this post to leave your feedback for the next podcast!
You can also send feedback and voice clips to
Or you can tweet us at SeriouslySwatch (Cordia) or CelesteFohl!

The next podcast will post on Thursday, May 26, 2016 for Season 4, Episode 6 - An Affair to Remember.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Podcast #75 - S4E4 - Chicken or Beef?

Hello! Welcome to Return to Stars Hollow - a spoiler-free, retrospective podcast about Gilmore Girls! This is the podcast for Season 4, Episode 4 - Chicken or Beef?

You can direct download the episode here: S4E4 Podcast
You can also follow our RSS Feed, or subscribe to us on iTunesStitcher, or Google Play Music.

Comment on this post to leave your feedback for the next podcast!
You can also send feedback and voice clips to
Or you can tweet us at SeriouslySwatch (Cordia) or CelesteFohl!

The next podcast will post on Thursday, May 19, 2016 for Season 4, Episode 5 - The Fundamental Things Apply.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Podcast #74.5 - Unfortunate Delay

Hi all. Sadly, we are delayed this week due to tech issues. Neither of us have time to record this weekend since it's Mother's Day. So the next podcast is slated to come out Wednesday, April 11th. Thank you all for understanding!

Monday, April 25, 2016

Podcast #74 - S4E3 - The Hobbit, the Sofa, and Digger Stiles

Hello! Welcome to Return to Stars Hollow - a spoiler-free, retrospective podcast about Gilmore Girls! This is the podcast for Season 4, Episode 3 - The Hobbit, the Sofa, and Digger Stiles.

You can direct download the episode here: S4E3 Podcast
You can also follow our RSS Feed, or subscribe to us on iTunesStitcher, or Google Play Music.

Comment on this post to leave your feedback for the next podcast!
You can also send feedback and voice clips to
Or you can tweet us at SeriouslySwatch (Cordia) or CelesteFohl!

The next podcast will post on Thursday, May 5, 2016 for Season 4, Episode 4 - Chicken or Beef?

Monday, April 18, 2016

Podcast #73 - S4E2 - The Lorelais' First Day at Yale

Hello! Welcome to Return to Stars Hollow - a spoiler-free, retrospective podcast about Gilmore Girls! This is the podcast for Season 4, Episode 2 - The Lorelais' First Day at Yale.

You can direct download the episode here: S4E2 Podcast
You can also follow our RSS Feed, or subscribe to us on iTunes or Stitcher.

Comment on this post to leave your feedback for the next podcast!
You can also send feedback and voice clips to
Or you can tweet us at SeriouslySwatch (Cordia) or CelesteFohl!

The next podcast will post on Monday, April 25, 2016 for S4E3 - The Hobbit, the Sofa, and Digger Stiles.

Monday, April 11, 2016

Podcast #72 - S4E1 - Ballrooms & Biscotti

Hello! Welcome to Return to Stars Hollow - a spoiler-free, retrospective podcast about Gilmore Girls! This is the podcast for Season 4, Episode 1 - Ballrooms & Biscotti.

You can direct download the episode here: S4E1 Podcast

You can also follow our RSS Feed, or subscribe to us on iTunes or Stitcher.

Comment on this post to leave your feedback for the next podcast!
You can also send feedback and voice clips to
Or you can tweet us at SeriouslySwatch (Cordia) or CelesteFohl!

The next podcast will post on Monday, April 18, 2016 for S4E2 - The Lorelais' First Day at Yale.

P.S. In pulling the screen cap, I noticed that we missed the Superman and Wonder Woman references! D'oh!

Monday, February 29, 2016

Podcast #71 - Season 3 Recap

Hello! Welcome to Return to Stars Hollow - a spoiler-free, retrospective podcast about Gilmore Girls! This is the podcast for our Season 3 Recap. 

You can direct download the episode here: Season 3 Recap

You can also follow our RSS Feed, or subscribe to us on iTunes or Stitcher.

Comment on this post to leave your feedback for the next podcast!
You can also send feedback and voice clips to
Or you can tweet us at SeriouslySwatch (Cordia) or CelesteFohl!

The next podcast will post on Monday, April 11, 2016 for S4E1 - Ballrooms & Biscotti.

Here's the link to the interview Blair sent us of Jared Padalecki and Aisha Tyler. Gilmore Girls related content is from 2:50 until about 8:20.

Monday, February 22, 2016

Podcast #70 - S3E22 - Those Are Strings, Pinocchio

Hello! Welcome to Return to Stars Hollow - a spoiler-free, retrospective podcast about Gilmore Girls! This is the podcast for Season 3, Episode 22 - Those Are Strings, Pinocchio.

You can direct download the episode here: S3E22 Podcast

You can also follow our RSS Feed, or subscribe to us on iTunes or Stitcher.

Comment on this post to leave your feedback for the next podcast!
You can also send feedback and voice clips to
Or you can tweet us at SeriouslySwatch (Cordia) or CelesteFohl!

The next podcast will post on Monday, February 29, 2016 for our Season 3 Recap.

Monday, February 15, 2016

Podcast #69 - S3E21 - Here Comes the Son

Hello! Welcome to Return to Stars Hollow - a spoiler-free, retrospective podcast about Gilmore Girls! This is the podcast for Season 3, Episode 21 - Here Comes the Son.

You can direct download the episode here: S3E21 Podcast

You can also follow our RSS Feed, or subscribe to us on iTunes or Stitcher.

Comment on this post to leave your feedback for the next podcast!
You can also send feedback and voice clips to
Or you can tweet us at SeriouslySwatch (Cordia) or CelesteFohl!

The next podcast will post on Monday, February 22, 2016 for S3E22 - Those Are Strings, Pinocchio.

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Podcast #68 - SPOILERS - Netflix Revival #3

Hello! Welcome to Return to Stars Hollow - a spoiler-free, retrospective podcast about Gilmore Girls! This is a special SPOILER FILLED podcast about the new Gilmore Girls Netflix revival!

You can direct download the episode here: SPOILERS - Netflix Revival #3

You can also follow our RSS Feed, or subscribe to us on iTunes or Stitcher.

Have something to say about the Netflix Revival? Please email comments to or leave them in the feedback section of THIS post!

Stars Hollow Layout: Notes From Kate

Kate was kind enough to write in with her observations of the Stars Hollow Layout! Enjoy! - Cordia

You recently talked about being surprised that the High School was right across from Luke's.  It actually is and always has been. I'm the type of person who needs to know exactly where everything is in shows I love - I like to get the interior and exterior layouts straight in my head. 

I've attached a satellite view of the WB lot and added labels. This shows that they have been storing the gazebo over by Lorelai's house for the last few years. (You did know that the building that is the exterior of Lorelai's house is the exterior of Sookie's house on the other side?)
They did do a little creative editing because Luke wouldn't be able to see the entrance of the school from the diner door, but it really is directly across the street. 

The gazebo was always in the middle of the square and remained there for several years after production finished. But in the last few years they were using the outdoor set for other productions and it must not have been what they needed in that space. So they put it in storage over at the edge of the lot - I was tickled when I found it on the satellite view. I'm sure it is now back in its rightful place. Actually, that square looks odd without it!

Lorelai's house is not next door to Mrs Kim's - that's Sookie's house next door. We see that it's next door a few times - notably in the Thanksgiving episode. It makes sense that Luke could see the fire from the diner. We will also notice where the house is in an episode in S5 when Jackson, Sookie and Lorelai drive up to it on a golf cart.  But Sookie's house and Lorelai's house share the same building (facades only of course - the interiors are on a sound stage).  Lorelai's house is on the back of Sookie's and is more hidden in the woods. 

Here are a couple of shots that show the double house (circled in red). Notice that the gable runs from the front of Sookie's house to the front of Lorelai's house. In the pictures further below you can see that Sookie's house has the gable on the left side and Lorelai's house has the gable on the right side. In the one picture I've inset a smaller red circle where you can see the corner of her porch and the trunk of the beech tree that is often visible onscreen. 

On the other side of Sookie's house is the Twickham House. It's kind of hidden under the trees, but I circled it in green on each of the pictures. In the one picture you can see Babette's little house - circled in white.  Mrs Kim's house is circled in orange on a couple of the pics and I circled the square in yellow on the first one. 

Monday, February 8, 2016

Podcast #67 - S3E20 - Say Goodnight, Gracie

Hello! Welcome to Return to Stars Hollow - a spoiler-free, retrospective podcast about Gilmore Girls! This is the podcast for Season 3, Episode 20 - Say Goodnight, Gracie.

You can direct download the episode here: S3E21 Podcast

You can also follow our RSS Feed, or subscribe to us on iTunes or Stitcher.

Comment on this post to leave your feedback for the next podcast!
You can also send feedback and voice clips to
Or you can tweet us at SeriouslySwatch (Cordia) or CelesteFohl!

The next podcast will post on Monday, February 15, 2016 for S3E21 - Here Comes The Son.

To go with Kate's comment on this week's podcast, here's the overhead view she sent of the Gilmore Girls set.

Monday, January 25, 2016

Podcast #66 - S3E19 - Keg! Max!

Hello! Welcome to Return to Stars Hollow - a spoiler-free, retrospective podcast about Gilmore Girls! This is the podcast for Season 3, Episode 19 - Keg! Max!

You can direct download the episode here: S3E19 Podcast

You can also follow our RSS Feed, or subscribe to us on iTunes or Stitcher.

Comment on this post to leave your feedback for the next podcast!
You can also send feedback and voice clips to
Or you can tweet us at SeriouslySwatch (Cordia) or CelesteFohl!

The next podcast will post on Monday, February 8, 2016 for S3E20 - Say Goodnight, Gracie.

Monday, January 18, 2016

Podcast #65 - S3E18 - Happy Birthday, Baby

Hello! Welcome to Return to Stars Hollow - a spoiler-free, retrospective podcast about Gilmore Girls! This is the podcast for Season 3, Episode 18 - Happy Birthday, Baby.

You can direct download the episode here: S3E18 Podcast

You can also follow our RSS Feed, or subscribe to us on iTunes or Stitcher.

Comment on this post to leave your feedback for the next podcast!
You can also send feedback and voice clips to
Or you can tweet us at SeriouslySwatch (Cordia) or CelesteFohl!

The next podcast will post on Monday, January 25, 2016 for S3E19 - Keg! Max!

Monday, January 11, 2016

Podcast #64 - S3E17 - A Tale of Poes and Fire

Hello! Welcome to Return to Stars Hollow - a spoiler-free, retrospective podcast about Gilmore Girls! This is the podcast for Season 3, Episode 17 - A Tale of Poes and Fire.

You can direct download the episode here: S3E17 Podcast

You can also follow our RSS Feed, or subscribe to us on iTunes or Stitcher.

Comment on this post to leave your feedback for the next podcast!
You can also send feedback and voice clips to
Or you can tweet us at SeriouslySwatch (Cordia) or CelesteFohl!

The next podcast will post on Monday, January 18, 2016 for S3E18 - Happy Birthday Baby.

Monday, January 4, 2016

Podcast #63 - S3E16 - The Big One

Hello! Welcome to Return to Stars Hollow - a spoiler-free, retrospective podcast about Gilmore Girls! This is the podcast for Season 3, Episode 16 - The Big One.

You can direct download the episode here: S3E16 Podcast

You can also follow our RSS Feed, or subscribe to us on iTunes or Stitcher.

Comment on this post to leave your feedback for the next podcast!
You can also send feedback and voice clips to
Or you can tweet us at SeriouslySwatch (Cordia) or CelesteFohl!

The next podcast will post on Monday, January 11, 2016 for S3E17 - A Tale of Poes and Fire.