Thursday, August 23, 2018

Podcast #155 - S7E12 - To Whom It May Concern

Hello! Welcome to Return to Stars Hollow - a spoiler-free, retrospective podcast about Gilmore Girls! This is the podcast for our Season 7, Episode 12 - To Whom It May Concern.

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The next podcast will post on August 30, 2018 for Season 7, Episode 13 - I'd Rather Be In Philadelphia.


  1. Ok so I'm just going to put it out there - I found this episode boring. I think it was because of the focused nature of it... there was just literally nothing else going on besides this plot line, and what this plot line came down to ultimately was the long, boring waiting in a hospital waiting room. Which just isn't that interesting. The dynamics between Lorelai and Emily is interesting in theory, I guess, but I felt like it really didn't reveal anything new to me about either of them. Lorelai seemed to just be waiting to see her mom cry, and as soon as she saw it she was mollified. I dunno, whatever. Watching Lorelai make endless phone calls to Chris is also not interesting, nor is the completely expected Luke set up. My favorite moment of the episode was definitely Luke's look at Chris when Chris tells him, yes, he should leave. Literally Luke was saying with his eyes exactly what I was thinking, "Srsly?"

    And I can only assume they went so out of their way to show how picture perfect Rory and Logan's relationship is so that they can dismantle it in the next few episodes. Hey guess what? Logan's going to blow his trust fund! This amazing boyfriend persona which he has kept up throughout his entire existence (other than a few weird moments) is going to totally blow in the face of failure and they will break up. Great. Exciting.

    I liked the idea that they had there with the cliches between Lorelai and Emily. I mean I think it's brave to have such obvious meta commentary on the clicheness of the episode - props to them! Oh, you don't think that's what they were doing. Oh ok then. In that case my only question is what in the world is Emily's last cliche supposed to signify? They obviously thought it was significant. Blood is thicker than water. Um okay? Chris isn't blood. Is she saying that's why he didn't show up? Feels doubtful.

  2. I enjoyed this episode a lot. I like how it hearkens back to the season 1 episode without simply repeating the whole thing. The characters and their dynamics have grown and changed a lot since then. I remember Lorelai not wanting to go see her dad in that first hospital episode and here, there's no hesitation there. Their relationship doesn't get as much focus as the Lorelai/Emily relationship does but I think it's really interesting. I particularily like how Lorelai describes him as small throughout the episode, and then later tall. It puts the situation into very simple words but it really resonates. Of course, Emily's speech in the gift shop is amazing and let's just all praise Kelly Bishop for her performance once more.

    Yeah no, there's no way to excuse Chris here. He is horrible. On the other side, I like how they show that it' not just Luke who is there for Lorelai, but also Sookie and Michel and Babette and probably half of Stars Hollow. You talked last episode about the comment about Chris using Lorelai's conditioner. That is another very clear contrast between Chris and Luke. Luke would never use conditioner or wear a peach shirt because he's a man and I don't like what the show is saying when it's making fun of Chris for these things. There are a lot of other things to criticise about the guy.

    Logan is absolutely perfect in this episode. I don't entirely trust this because his characterisation changes depending on whatever they need from him that week and here, he has to be the contrast to Chris, but still, I gotta give it to him. We get so many details about his new business thing and how he is going to invest his trust fund into it, that I'm sure this is going to turn out fine. This can't possibly go bad.
