Thursday, August 2, 2018

Podcast #153 - S7E10 - Merry Fisticuffs

Hello! Welcome to Return to Stars Hollow - a spoiler-free, retrospective podcast about Gilmore Girls! This is the podcast for our Season 7, Episode 10 - Merry Fisticuffs.

You can direct download the episode here: S7E10 Podcast
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The next podcast will post on August 16, 2018 for Season 7, Episode 11 - Santa's Secret Stuff.

1 comment:

  1. It feels very weird after Chris critiziced Lorelai for making all the decisions by herself and not listening to his opinion last episode, that here she is telling him how she and Rory celebrate christmas, and feel free to go along with us. It also feels inconstistent that she doesn't tell him about writng the letter for Luke. She told Chris when she went to the hospital to meet Luke when April was there and he was supportive of that, which I loved. Sure, Chris saw her and Luke with the baby and she knows Luke's a touchy subject for Chris but she doesn't know they punched each other (in a scene I hated). This just feels like a secret that's going to blow up later, being much worse than it would be if Lorelai had told Chris upfront about it. As if there weren't enough problems in this marriage anyway that it could fall apart all by itself. It feels like they're making it mainly about Luke again when I would prefer it if they showed that Chris and Lorelai are just not right for each other anymore. Yes, that's also because Lorelai has been with Luke and he's the person for her, not Chris,, but even without Luke being directly involved, Chris and Lorelai woulnd't last longterm. I don't know if I'm expressing quite what I want to be saying.

    Time to talk about one of our favourite/least favourite topics: Lane deserved better. Her monologue at the end is heartbreaking, especially the part about her window to be a person being so small. I really love Zack here though. He's so excited and supportive and he manages to say exactly the right thing to Lane.
