Thursday, August 16, 2018

Podcast #154 - S7E11 - Santa's Secret Stuff

Hello! Welcome to Return to Stars Hollow - a spoiler-free, retrospective podcast about Gilmore Girls! This is the podcast for our Season 7, Episode 11 - Santa's Secret Stuff.

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The next podcast will post on August 23, 2018 for Season 7, Episode 12 - To Whom It May Concern.

1 comment:

  1. I'm not Team Chris but since everyone else here is against him so much, I'm gonna try to argue for his side because I do still think there is something there. Though first of all, I don't think Lorelai's letter reads like a love letter. It was much more striking how much it focuses on Luke being a father figure to Rory -, which makes total sense given the reason it was written in the first place - mentioning how he was there for her birthdays and her graduation, things we have actually seen on screen and which Chris was noticably absent from. I can imagine that that too would bother Chris a lot, since he missed all of that, which was a point earlier in the season but he doesn't mention that aspect of it at all to Lorelai here.
    I did feel a bit sorry for him when he says that he can't be Lorelai's rebound, he can't be her second choice. Lorelai begging him, trying to convice him that he is not, was hard to watch too. But I think, when I'm trying to view this from Chris' perspective, he and Lorelai were always meant to be. He hasn't seen Lorelai with Luke the way that we saw them together. To him, Luke was just another one of Lorelai's failed relationships, nothing special. Yes, they were enganged, but she was enganged to Max, too, so that doesn't mean too much. But Chris and Lorelai have a history and should have always been together, so when their timing finally seemed right, he jumped into it, not really wanting to see that Lorelai wasn't as into it. Only now does he realise that they do not belong together anymore. Or really, he doesn't seem to see that, even. To him, it's all about Luke. All of this doesn't excuse his pushiness and grossness, still not a fan of that, but I think it can explain it to some degree. He does need to stop storming off though. Talk to Lorelai!

    Oh look, another unwanted pregnancy, how novel. Sookie and Jackson are both in the wrong here. She should not have ordered him to have a vasectomy and he should have told her he didn't go through with it. This is a disaster of a storyline. Apparently Melissa McCarthy was pregnant, but come on, just let her hold a pillow in front of her stomach and put her behind a counter.

    "Are we early?" Anna asks. You should be! You should not be right on time for your court date!

    This is one of those episodes where it feels like Paris is a much better friend to Rory, while Rory just tolerates Paris. Yes, she didn't ask to be part of Operation Finish Line and Paris probably also doesn't want to do all of this alone and can profit from Rory also being part of it, but still, Paris put a lot of work into this and Rory can benefit from it too!
